客戶議價回覆 貿易英文



關於妳所提出的議價問題, 我們經過討論後回覆下列意見希望你能體諒並幫忙. Regarding the price negotiation you proposed, after internal discussion, we have concluded the following answers. Hope you would understand and support us. 1. 這個價格是將近2年從未調整過的價格. 包含中間多次的原物料上漲, 我們都盡最大的努力來吸收損失. The price has been fixed for the previous 2 years though we encountered several price adjustments in the raw materials. We have tried all means to bear such losses. 2. 由於中東的戰事, 導致油價最近兩三年來是不斷的創新高.這點相信你們也是非常的清楚. I believe you know very well the situation that the oil price has continuously broken the record for the past 3 years due to the war in the Middle East . 3. 塑膠料的價格一直在漲. 這是我們無法去控制的範圍之內.. The prices of the plastic materials have been rocketing, which is really beyond our reach. 4. 運費在2007年從一個CBM 70-80元漲至120元左右.每個月船公司所提供的價錢, 都讓我們吃不消. Freight in 2007 rose from $70-80 per CBM to around $120. We really cannot afford it when we see the freight list provided by the shipping company. 5. 我們提供信用狀120天的付款方式, 在這120天之內的利息, 我們自行吸收. We will provide 120 days usance L/C, and we bear the interest for the 120 days.





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